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Hello.. I am Aplication administrator - Programer beginner - Whole life student - Life enjoer

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About me

Currently I am IT technical specialist who is already working over 10 years with almost all common used IT technology’s standards and infrastructure devices. I am employee of Diebold Nixdorf Company as application administrator for many internal applications.

Diebold Nixdorf providing monitoring of ATMs and payment transactions for different external customers mainly EU. (approx. 9000 ATMs – UK, DN banks). My responsibilities are to deliver 24/7 functional environment, setup all necessary applications, requests for other teams to setup infrastructure architecture design of environment. Organize and solving nonstandard requests for customers under time pressure. I think personally, I am team player member and also I like to discuss about possible issues and how to prevent possible problems. I am very focused on results and I have ability to fast learning a new things. I like to meet new people and I am adaptable in teams with multiplatform environments. Personally I would like to participate as DevOps engineer. I like the responsibility, flexibility and philosophy of this “system”.

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+420 728 060 988






11/2023 - Present

Senior application and network specialist

Diebold Nixdorf

Operation of Diebold-Nixdorf Payments and Cash Management applications (fin-tech industry).

Providing stable application solutions for ATM systems, 24/7 support, trouble shooting, 3rd level support. Linux applications and Windows application support.

Control and setup of scheduled job's (Bash Scripts, PowerShell script, Data Management, Data Transfers, data archiving). Trouble shooting, log files, debugging, reverse engineering.

Communication with requestors, on daily basis and transition from nonstandard requests into real setup.

05/2022 - 10/2023

eSIM solutions, Application Implementation

Thales - Gemalto, Prague

Implementation and operation of GSMA M2M and Consumer+ Applications.

Providing stable application solutions for GSMA certificated systems, 24/7 support, trouble shooting, 3rd level support. Linux based applications JAVA - WebLogic.

Control and setup of scheduled job's (Bash Scripts, Data Management, Data Transfers, data archiving). Trouble shooting, log files, debugging, reverse engineering.

Daily based communication with worldwide customers, supporting and providing information to do needed setup.

10/2017 - 04/2022

L3/L2 IT Application specialist

Diebold-Nixdorf, Prague

Operation of Diebold-Nixdorf Payments and Cash Management applications (fin-tech industry).

Providing stable application solutions for ATM systems, 24/7 support, trouble shooting, 3rd level support. Linux applications and Windows application support

Control and setup of scheduled job's (Bash Scripts, PowerShell script, Data Management, Data Transfers, data archiving). Trouble shooting, log files, debugging, reverse engineering.

Communication with requestors, on daily basis and transition from nonstandard requests into real setup.

02/2016 - 07/2017

IT Administrator

Cleverbee solutions s.r.o., Prague

Mainly administration of open source operating systems. Linux OS administration (Deb, RH) and WINDOWS 2000/2008/2012. (Migration to 2016)

Setup Firewalls, Appache2, TOMCAT and WILDFLY for JAVA projects, network infrastructure, Active Directory, Exchange email server. Support for development team

Project documentation, Hardware agenda.


HTML CSS and web technologies, - just begginer

Operational systems, Linux - BASH, Windows server - Powershell

VMware ESXi, Docker, Kubectl

MS-SQL, MySQL, Postgre, Oracle SQL

Wildfly, JBoss, Tomcat, Weblogic, Appache2

VPN, Proxy, WAN/LAN, Nagios, Firewalld, IPtables, VoIP


2010 - 2013

Technical University of Žilina

Žilina, Slovakia

New sciences and multimedia sciences

Bachelor degree in new sciences and multimedia sciences and psychology of marketing.

1995 - 1999

Stredná priemyselná škola Jozefa Murgaša

Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

Electrical engineering, telecommunication and computer technologys.

Slovak middle school of Electrical engineering, telecommunication and computer technologys.

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